My Passion in Tennis :)
When one has the support of my team, I discovered a sense of encouragement and is empowered to take on the obstacles that come my way. A team is like a family giving their love and support to their fellow teammates.
Throughout my entire high school journey, one of the most significant experiences that has impacted my life in a tremendous way is being on the Tennis team. This experience has brought to the fore certain indelible characteristics such as trust, cooperation, respect and a sense of belonging.
Throughout my entire high school journey, one of the most significant experiences that has impacted my life in a tremendous way is being on the Tennis team. This experience has brought to the fore certain indelible characteristics such as trust, cooperation, respect and a sense of belonging.
When I first joined the Tennis team my sophomore year, my level of trust was low because I was around people I have never seen before. I had to learn how to trust my teammates, but unlike me they exhibited a great amount of trust towards me even though I had just recently joined the team. My coach placed a fellow teammate and I together as a Doubles pair. By doing this he allowed us to build our trust for each other. We learned to depend on each other to be there to back each other up on the court. Being placed in a pair with my teammate gave me a new found sense of trust with my fellow teammates, it also created room for a new friendship which allowed us to not only be an extremely close pair on the court, but also off the court.
Each of us gained a sense of cooperation, in the sense that we worked together as one to get to our expected goal. We stood together as one, unwavering and unable to be moved. We relied on each other to encourage one another both on and off the court. As the present captain of the team now, my fellow teammates and I have drawn together once more in hopes that we will accomplish our goal.
Being as close as we are now, we have all gained a great amount of respect not only for each other but also for our coach. Our coach demands a great amount of respect and when given returns the same amount of respect to us. Our respect for each other reflects on the court and throughout our games. We believe that respect is not something you can get, but something that one must earn in order to receive. Being on the team allowed us to earn our own respect.
Joining the Tennis team gave me a sense of belonging. When I first joined the team, I was very shy, I didn’t speak to anyone and I kept to myself. The former team captain realized this and decided to reach out to me. She got me involved in meetings and asked for my opinion on certain topics. This made me feel like I belonged there. Hence, I began to come out of my shell and tapped into my true potential. Being the present captain of the team has made feel even more close to them than I have ever been.
Therefore, the social implications of the Tennis team will certainly impact on the life of any of its players. In more ways than one, its players will experience positive support that will ultimately lead to a rounded development of the individual’s life. This is evident in my life because as a team captain I have been empowered with the above mentioned characteristics.
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