Saturday, January 24, 2009




Because morality is changing over time since the creation of moral principles stems only from within a person, not as a distinct, detached reality, and each person is the source and definer of his or her subjective ethical code and each has equal power and authority to define morality the way he or she sees fit, the Examination and Discussion of the Moral Philosophies and Situations of the Characters and the Setting, respectively, in the novel, The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas, should be analyzed and compared to the moral standard of today.

A. Statement of the Problem

Moralities often include rules and regulations that do not have obvious reasons for existing, i.e., no immediate harmful results of transgression are apparent. This is sometimes because the harmful effects of such actions are largely indirect, but real nonetheless. Alternatively, the morality may derive from historical circumstances no longer common or relevant society. Either way, the need for the particular aspect of morality may be questioned. It is not unusual for wide scale changes in views on morality to occur, especially by younger generations in society. At times, this questioning extends to the society in general, even to the extent of liberalizing laws which prohibited certain behaviors.
1. What are the moral beliefs that are favored upon by the Three Musketeers in the story?
2. What kind of behaviors do the major characters believe to be morally acceptable and morally unacceptable?
3. Why did the author portray the church and state opposing each other in terms of power over the government?
4. What religious belief presented in the story is universally accepted?
5. What moral belief is portrayed by the characters as unique since it is existent only in the novel?
6. Why did the author use dueling as a means to settle fights among in the story?
7. What are the moral beliefs that are favored upon by the antagonists in the story?
8. What are the religious beliefs that are favored upon by the secondary characters in the story?
9. How do the major characters portray their moral belief?
10. Why did the author portray the characters as very conservative?

B. Significance of the Study

Often moral change is associated with an excitement and fervor that these quotations do not convey. One thinks of the abandonment of witch trials, the rejection of judicial torture, the long fight for religious liberty, the abolition of slavery, the reversal of the prohibition of usury, the agitation for contraception and women’s rights, the lifting of the prohibition of divorce, and the struggle for civil rights.

C. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope will concentrate on the fact that the morals of today and the morals in the Dumas’ time are two different moral standards. History will be discussed in terms of moral differences in different times. Religious culture will be analyzed as well as the way the monarch rules the kingdom. However, politics will not be given too much emphasis. The morality in ruling and the political systems play a greater role in this analysis.

The boundaries of the study are that the examination will be limited to matters of morality. Questions pertaining to political, historical or biographical matters will not be

All reflecting men acknowledge that both the theory and the practice of morality have advanced with the general advance in the intelligence and civilization of the human race. But, if this be so, morality must be a matter capable of being reasoned about, a subject of investigation and of teaching, in which the less intelligent members of a community have always something to learn from the more intelligent, an the more intelligent, in their turn, have ever fresh problems to solve and new material to study. It becomes, then, of prime importance to every educated man, to ask what the data of ethics are, what is the method by which its general principles are investigated, what are the considerations which the moralist ought to apply to the solution of the complex difficulties of life and action. And still, in spite of these obvious facts, ethical investigation, or any approach to an independent review of the current morality, is always unpopular with the great mass of mankind. Though the conduct of their own lives is the subject which most concerns men, it is that in which they are least patient of speculation. Nothing is so wounding to the self-complacency of a man of indolent habits of mind as to call in question any of the moral principles on which he habitually acts.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

introduction!!! physics!!!

The project entitled Tractor Pulling Mechanism which the Researchers modified from pulley, aims to create more torque which is converted from energy by using gears. Furthermore they aim to reduced the friction and heat by clamping the tractor to the skateboard and to maximize the power, the researchers made sure that they had a strong gear ratio as well as to reduce the friction and lastly they used sturdy fishing to lower the chance of the wire to slip.

The tractor clamps to the skateboard and winds up the fishing line from the base that is located at finish. The gears provide greater torque so that the tractor can pull more weight at the expense of speed.

Torque is the tendency of a force vector to rotate an object about some axis (or fulcrum). Just as a Force is a push or pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist. The symbol for torque is T, the Greek letter Tau. And the length of lever arm is particularly import; choosing this length appropriately lies behind the operation of pulleys, gears and most simple machines involving a mechanical advantage.

Energy comes from the Greek word”energeia,” which means active/working it is a scalar physical quantity that is an attribute of objects and systems that is conserved in nature. Energy is subject to a strict global conservation law; that is, whenever one measures the total energy of a system of particle whose interactions do not depend explicitly on time, it is found that the total energy of the systems always remains constant.

Power is the rate at which work is performed or energy is transmitted, or the amount of energy required of expended for a given unit of time. In mechanical power, the work done on an object is related to the forces acting on it by where F is force and
‘s is the displacement of the object. Lastly Work is equal to the force acting on an object times its displacement (how far the object moves while the force acts on it.) Only motion that is along the same axis as the force “counts”, however; motion in the same direction as force gives positive work; and motion in the opposite direction gives negative work, while motion perpendicular to the force yields zero work by differentiating by time gives that the instantaneous power is equal to force times the object’s velocity: the average power is then, this formula is important in characterizing engines – the power out by an engine is equal to the forces it exerts times its velocity.

Friction is the force resisting the relative lateral (tangential) motion of solid surface, fluid layer or material elements in contact. It is usually subdivided into several varieties dry friction which is subdivided into Static Friction and Kinetic Friction, Lubricated Friction resists relative lateral motion of two solids surface separated by a layer of gas on liquid.
The Researchers got the idea of making two in one projects by having the modification to the pulley to a mini tractor mechanism while the skateboard is modified to a mini tractor which has a set of weights to have the mass.